Rhinoplasty / Nose Job

Rhinoplasty / Nose Job

The nose, which is located in the middle of the face and stands out at first glance, is an important organ in terms of respiration as well as aesthetic appearance. Nasal procedures should be planned individually and performed with utmost care. In aesthetic nose operations, the size of the nose, its curvature, its relationship with the lip, the shape and position of the nostrils can be changed. In patients with respiratory distress, it is also possible to eliminate intranasal curvatures and obstructions. This operation, which is performed under general anaesthesia, can last for 1 to 2 hours and requires hospitalization for 1 night. If special techniques are used, there is no need to insert a tampon into the nose. On the 10th postoperative day, the splint/plaster made of plastic protecting your nose is removed.


Any adult who has deformities such as curvature of the nose, arches, low nasal tip, lip-nose relationship outside the acceptable aesthetic limits and having breathing problems may have a nose job.

People who do not have realistic expectations and who are looking for a perfect nose rather than a natural-looking nose through which they can breathe easily and that suits their faces are likely to have a high level of dissatisfaction after surgery.

Explaining the patient's expectations and complaints about his/her nose to the physician in detail and listening to the doctor's suggestions eagerly will increase the benefit to be obtained.