

Deformities in the ears is a serious aesthetic problem that causes problems in social relations starting from childhood and makes people unhappy. The most common deformity is when the ear is facing forward more than normal, and this is also known as “prominent ear”. Prominent ear deformity may cause social and psychological problems such as poor school performance in children, inability to use short hair, inability to tie one's hair up or introversion in adults.

It is recommended that prominent ear surgeries are performed after the age of 6-7 when ear development is completed. The operations can be performed under general anaesthesia in children and under local anaesthesia in adults and take approximately one hour. After these surgeries that do not require hospitalization, a compressive dressing and bandaging are required. The bandages are removed after 2 days during the follow-up visit. Position of the ears should be supported with a tennis band, a bandana or a headband for 3 weeks after the bandages are removed.