- Prof.Dr.Yavuz Başterzi
- Non-Surgical Treatments
- Aesthetic Surgery
- Male Aesthetics
- Reconstructive Surgery

Gynecomastia, which means breast growth in men, is a condition that can be seen in 60% of adolescents due to hormonal changes and in older men due to hormonal disorders and obesity. Gynecomastia in adolescence is usually resolved spontaneously after 17-18 years of age.
Gynecomastia in adults can have multiple causes. One of them is the growth of mammary glands due to hormonal disorders. In this case, the cause of the hormonal disorder should be investigated and treated first. Another reason is overweight. The problem in breast growth due to obesity is the increase in the amount of fat in the breast rather than the mammary glands.
These operations are performed under general anaesthesia and take about 1 hour. In gynecomastia due to excessive weight, excess fat tissue can be removed with liposuction method. In cases where the mammary glands grow, the tissue of the gland should be cut off and removed. In both cases, a corset should be used for 4 weeks after surgery to reduce oedema and to support the skin. This is not an operation with a very painful recovery period. The patient can return to normal life in 2 to 3 days.