Brachioplasty / Arm Lifting and Thighplasty / Thigh Lifting

Brachioplasty / Arm Lifting and Thighplasty / Thigh Lifting

Arm lifting and thigh lifting procedures are the operations performed to correct skin sagging on the arms and inner surfaces of the thighs due to ageing and weight loss. Especially patients who have gastrectomy to lose weight are ideal candidates for these surgeries.

Stretching is performed after the sagging skin and excess fat is cut and removed from these areas. The scars are planned to remain on the inner sides of the arm and the thigh. These operations last for about 2-3 hours and then it is enough to rest at home for 1 to 2 weeks. During this period, the person can do his/her daily work but cannot start exercising before 6 weeks. As in Tummy Tuck operations, a corset that surrounds the surgical area will need to be worn to reduce oedema.